Dear God, another year is here. I have a brand new calendar, with so many blank pages, ready to be filled with the appointments, the work, the birthdays, the celebrations, and all the other things that make up our daily lives. I will write times and places on those pages, and names and lists and smiley faces as I plan my days and weeks and months for the year. I love the blank pages on a new
calendar because it feels as though I have a blank slate to draw on and everything is new - full of promise. A life to be lived.
Thank you God for this new year. Thank you for the chance to start fresh, to make new memories and turn in new directions. Thank you for another chance to make a difference in the world. God give me the wisdom to know how to fill those days and how to keep my priorities in order. And Lord, thank you for this life of mine. May it not be an empty one - but one that is honoring to you.
Dear God, another year is here. As those pages quickly fill, may they be covered with life.
Thank you God for this new year. Thank you for the chance to start fresh, to make new memories and turn in new directions. Thank you for another chance to make a difference in the world. God give me the wisdom to know how to fill those days and how to keep my priorities in order. And Lord, thank you for this life of mine. May it not be an empty one - but one that is honoring to you.
Dear God, another year is here. As those pages quickly fill, may they be covered with life.