Saturday, May 8, 2010

Danger zone

Dear God why is it that despite your many warnings to us in scripture, I still seem to open my mouth and put my foot in it on a regular basis? Why is that I can't seem to manage to keep this mouth shut more often and then keep my thoughts to myself rather than feel the need to share them with others? And why, oh why, do I have such a knack for annoying people when I'm trying to help? I think I'm doing something good - and it turns out to be bad. Oh God, sometimes I'm such a dunce!

God I know you want to inhabit me in every way. I know you want to control my thoughts, my tongue, my actions, my everything. Help me to stop and think before I express my feelings or offer an opinion. Help me to allow you to inhabit my being and take control. And help me to just be silent when silence is what is needed. Help me to realize that not saying anything at all can sometimes help accomplish your will and that sitting back and not doing anything can actually be a good thing. Because no action is better than the wrong action. And nothing said is better than the wrong thing.

Most of all God, fill me with your spirit, that my words might be your words and my thoughts your thoughts. Empty "me" and fill me with "you". Oh God - save me from myself!

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