Saturday, September 6, 2008

Storm clouds

Few things are truly "awesome" in life, despite the popularity of that word these days. But the power of the weather is one of them, and storms like the one quickly approaching us is surely an illustration of the word. Watching the visual evidence on TV, of a huge swirling mass of energy and destruction, well it makes us stop and take notice.

It reminds me of the scripture in the book of Job where Job questions God and God in turn says to Job something along the lines of "Where were you when I created all this...when the seas were formed....when the earth came from nothing?" It was God's not-so-gentle way of reminding Job that we really are wuite insignificant in the grand scheme of things - and the magnitude of a storm has that same effect on me.

And yet, God also tells us that he knows the number of hairs we have on our heads and cares more about us than we could possibly imagine. What a dicotomy. How divine. And how wonderful.

Bring on the storms.