Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life overwhelming

Sometimes it takes a trajedy to make one grateful. There have been many tragedies in my hometown this past few months - suicides among them - and recently a small child killed when she steered her wagon into the path of traffic. These are things that bring us up short, make us stop and think - and always, always say a prayer of thanks.

Because everything we have in life is fleeting. The Bible says our very lives are like a "vapor", quickly disappearing. We are reminded of that all too often. And we need to treasure what we have while we have it.

Thank you God for life itself, for the struggles and the pain, for the joys and the thrills, because these are the things that make us feel, and exprerience, and know that we are alive.

Thank you Lord for all the things we have and make us mindful of the need to cherish every day, and every blessing, while we are in the present. Because we don't know what the future is going to bring.

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