Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I long for serenity sometimes. My life is insanely busy and even though I know it could be worse, I think it is more than enough for me. And the things I long for are peace and serenity, but I also know myself well enough to know that I love being busy. Such a conundrum!

At the times I think about serenity I often meditate on the idea of "abiding" in God. Its a Biblical concept and I know it is something I truly strive for. I want that peace and contentment that comes with abiding in God. I know how wonderful it is because I've experienced it before. They were times of immersion in His word, prayer that totally transformed me, spiritual experiences that made me feel God's presence in such an undeniable way that I could never say God did not exist. So I understand the concept and I seek it more often.

Recently I read the book "Eat, Pray, Love" and I got a glimpse of the kind of abiding in God that I look for. In the case of the author it was found in Bali under the tutalege of a spiritual teacher. Her description made me long for it even more. I don't need to go to Bali - I know I can find it here. It's my busy life that gets in the way.

And aren't we all longing for that kind of peace in our lives? The kind of peace that fills the soul when one is abiding in God? I think we do. I KNOW I do! Over and over and over again. Here I am God - fill me. Abide in me.....

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