I had a challenge today Lord and I knew that the whole while I was being bathed in prayer. I knew my family was praying for me, and my friends, and my church family. And Lord, I felt those prayers as they rose heavenward. I could literally feel you holding
me in your arms and comforting me. I could hear you whispering in my ear, comforting me, reassuring me, encouraging me. I knew you were right there with me and I knew that the prayers of so many people were accompanying me.
Dear God thank you for answered prayer. Thank you for being so real and so near that your presence can be palpable. Thank you for never leaving us or forsaking us. And thank you for your love.
Dear God thank you for answered prayer. Thank you for being so real and so near that your presence can be palpable. Thank you for never leaving us or forsaking us. And thank you for your love.
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