Sometimes Lord I long for your closeness but I don't feel it. I know you're there for me and I know you want to give me that touch....but it doesn't seem to be coming. What am I doing wrong? Am I somehow putting a wall between us? Am I simply not being
receptive to your desire to be with me? What am I doing wrong Lord?
Please God - touch me. Please let me feel your loving arms around me and help me get through another day with your peace in my heart. Take my burdens, just as you promised you would. Help my mind to be calm and my soul to be still. I need you so much right now and this is not the time to feel this distance. Please help me break through the darkness and know your presence.
I want to hear from you God. Please speak to me.
Please God - touch me. Please let me feel your loving arms around me and help me get through another day with your peace in my heart. Take my burdens, just as you promised you would. Help my mind to be calm and my soul to be still. I need you so much right now and this is not the time to feel this distance. Please help me break through the darkness and know your presence.
I want to hear from you God. Please speak to me.
The lord is with you all times and all places. It is just a matter if you're eyes and ears are open to recieve God's wisdom. Sometimes it is extrely hard, especially through theses tough times, but you have to quite the turbulance of your mind to be receptive. Once you recieve your light in the dark, continue to follow it all of your life and if it gets dim than maybe there is something that you have to change in your own life, maybe something that has been needing an answer, in order to continue with life. You have all of the potential to be a great person deep down it is only a means of having the courage to fulfill the goals that God has laid out before you...good luck my friend and thank you for a much needed topic:)
Obviously all you say is quite true!
However, I believe it is a univeral human quality to feel "disconnected" at times, which is why I shared it here. Certainly all of us has "issues" (i.e. sin) in our lives that contribute to that feeling at times but I don't think this is a place for judgemental statements which do not help a fellow struggler. We all need to change things, every day, every hour, to be more perfect in God's sight, do we not? We are all our own worst enemies.
I share my innermost feelings and struggles to hopefully help others know they are perfectly human and normal in their struggles and that the rest of the Christian brotherhood is not sitting on the sidelines watching them struggle and pointing fingers. I received my "light in the dark" many years ago but have certainly not become the perfect person I am meant to be. Even David, who was "a man after God's own heart", struggled with his life!
If you have overcome the dark times and the struggle accompanying them, than I'm sure you know how blessed you are! In the meantime, the rest of us will continue the struggle, always looking up and pleading for God's help to keep us focused. This is not a matter of luck but of will.
Just my thoughts on the matter! Thanks for your input and for reading.
I have spent the past 4 years trying to get closer & closer to the Lord. I have done this through daily scripture reading & have now read His word in full. However, as a human walking in the flesh, with earthly desires & lusts, I have done this also using much trial-and-error. There is no doubt He has blessed me, protected me & is with me - somewhere. But, I just cannot seem to hear His voice. He is silent. Sometimes I think that He really isn't there, but then I remember how much He has moved things for me, and changed my life, so I know He's there - but why can't I hear Him?
I think this is where "faith" comes in! We don't always feel his presence and sometimes the "still, small voice" is overwhelmed by the noise around us. We can only push forward in faith and keep on keeping on! You are doing the right things and your faith will be rewarded~! When people tell you they always feel His presence I think you should be wary - I know He is always there but sometimes I cry out for that closeness. We all do. Good luck in your spiritual walk - you have lots of company!
god is every where but we can't see. infact god can see all people in the world,he is great person .god help to all the people in all time and in all situation.but remember one thing no one forget him .b'coz he is a great man who care of all person whatever he is trust on god or not.god is life ,he is creation of universe.......remember god is one & one is god .he lives in all people so trust on him
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