Monday, June 14, 2010

So grateful

God I'm so grateful for the simplest things in life: a beautiful day, enough money to buy something special at the store, my house, my garden - it really is true that the best things are not always the most expensive - or the hardest to achieve. Sometimes they're the things we tend to overlook or barely take notice of. And yet these are the things that make our lives so rich and satisfying.

Today Lord I am praising you for the simple, beautiful things in my life. Thank you for my family and the joy they bring me. Thank you for a reliable car to drive . Thank you for food on my table and clothes on my back. Thank you for flowers in my yard and shade under my trees. Thank you for the simple knowledge that every day is a special gift and not to be taken for granted. Thank you, God, for my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It`s a relief to hear a thankful prayer rather than the usual endless list of requests. Yeah....